京都、大阪、神戸を中心に活動。90年代中ごろよりAcid JazzやRareGrooveの全盛時にClubでのJazzに興味を持ち、以来生音を中心にJazz、Soul、Hip Hop、Reggae、World Music、Rock等から幅広い知識と徹底したDigで日々黒いGrooveを掘り下げている。これまでに数多くのイヴェントでDJとして参加し、国内外の有名DJからも好評を得る。現在はJazzイヴェントDo it Jazz @ Collage、和ジャズレアグルーヴに特化したイヴェントBlow Up ! @ JamJam のレジデントDJとして活躍しフロアを沸かせている。2011年12月にはMix CD 『Other Vibratrions』をリリースしている。
Kazuhiro started DJ-ing back in mid 90's, just when "Acid Jazz" "Rare Groove" scene was then at its best. He was brought up on various different genres of music from Jazz , Soul , Hip Hop, Reggae, World Music, Rock 'N' Roll, and has continued the quest for black groove based on the broad knowledge and a huge LP collection. He has performed at several events in south-western half of Japan, including regular main room peak time slots for clubs such as Collage(kyoto), JamJam(kobe), etc… . His typical sets include Japanese Jazz, Spritual Jazz and obscure tunes from all over the world. In 2011, he released a Creative jazz-infused mix cd called "Other Vibrations" on his own label "Infinite sound ".
Also working in film production, DJ HARADA’s style is described as “Cinematic”. Whilst having a strong connection with Europe, especially France for some time, he has focused on spreading record Jazz, which no longer exists to DJs, and has played an important part in supporting the European Jazz movement in Japan. His music is always in mode, playing a mix that crosses over from Lounge to the Club Floor.
'94~'00、サンフランシスコを拠点にCOOLTEMPO CREWのDJ、オーガナイザー活動を展開。帰国後は不定期に GADABOUT / Mature / SUPER BURRITO / Musique Patissier など数々のパーティーを主催する。DJスタイルは確かなセンスとジャンルにとらわれない幅広い選曲で心地よい空間を作りだすDeeJay!!!!!また(Smile in your face)でお馴染みの BOO のオフィシャルDJとしての違う顔を持つ。